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Val Ryan Spiritual Consultant Psychic Medium, Life Coach 803.750.7117 val@ryanspirit.com ![]() |
WRITINGS February 02, 2010 A Tale of Two Kitties I adopted a three month old orange tabby cat from Pets, Inc. in Columbia, SC on July 20, 2009 and named him Ringo. The following is what happened next, including excerpts from emails: August 5th: Am having a wonderful time with my new baby Ringo, very sweet boy, smart as a whip and can be stubborn at times. Although, I guess that's his job as a kitten. Has learned his name, the word NO, and the word "scratchpost" meaning, if he scratches on my furniture he has to go to his scratchpost. Hasn't quite figured out that he's not allowed on my desk, so we have time outs in his carrier for that, although, that hasn't made much of an impression on him yet. August 11th: I just let Ringo go because last night he spiked a fever that they couldn't get under control with antibiotics. I talked with the internist this morning and she said from what I described of his behavior Sunday night "Parkinsonian" like shaking, that it sounded like Cerebellar hypoplasia which means his brain wasn't growing normally. She said that the other possibility was that it was viral but that the prognosis was the same. He'd still be in bad shape and not have a normal life. As much as I wanted him with me, I couldn't do that to him. When he went, I saw the peaceful look on his face and knew he was ok.
In hindsight, there were signs along the way, but of course I had no way of knowing. Thanks to everyone who prayed for us. I'm going to go call Mom and when the clay is finished baking, I'm going to bed. *A former neighbor took pictures of Ringo on adoption day. At time of this writing I didn't know if I'd receive a copy. August 16th: I woke up Wednesday morning feeling like a baby killer, but that passed. Ringo couldn't hold his head up, stand or walk. He wouldn't have been able to eat on his own or use a litter box. That's no kind of life. I think he picked me because another might've kept him on this side and tried and tried and made him miserable. Even with all the sadness, if I had it to do over again I wouldn't change a thing.
I waited until after my birthday in October to begin looking for another kitten. I went back to the Humane Society and Pets, Inc., but no kittens felt like the right fit. On November 18th, I took another ride out to both places. As I got on the interstate, Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton came on the radio and I knew Ringo was with me. (This is our song as it was playing the night before I let him go.) No luck at the Humane Society. As I took the exit to Pets, Inc., Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd came on and I had to pull over and stop because I was crying uncontrollably. That's when I realized that I didn't want a new kitten; I wanted Ringo. On the way home, Patience by Guns N Roses came on and that's when I knew I was holding on too tight and needed to surrender. When the time was right another kitten would find me. On November 24th, two days before Thanksgiving, I looked on the Project Pet website where I saw three cute ones; Luke, Uno and Beatle. That's all I needed and hopped in the car to take a look. Uno and Beatle were too young to be seen, but I filled out an application. Luke had just been placed at PetSmart so I drove over there. I took him out of the cage and he melted into my arms, looked up at me saying, "Hey, this feels really good." It was a done deal. When I put him back, he stood on his hind legs, front paws up on the bars with an expression that said, "See ya tomorrow, Mom!" ![]() November 25th: Luke Skywalker Ryan Luke was one of the names I had in mind, not just because of Star Wars, but also for Great Uncle Luke Ryan. Of course when you get a rescue kitty, you can never be sure of the actual birthday but he has to be at least five months old, which puts his birthday at June 13, 2009 (he was taken in at Project Pet on 11/13/09) and makes him a Gemini. I believe everyone deserves a birth date. And I'm a Libra. The greatest Libra/Gemini combo of the 20th century was John and Paul (Lennon/McCartney of the Beatles). He's quite independent; a little human in a light grey cat costume. In natural light, he has the most amazing emerald eyes. I showed him his litter box and he was like, "Cool." Then I showed him his food and water and he was like, "Wow, I get food too," started munching and he was home. He purrs like a motor which indicates he has some Siamese in him. I put out Gracie's and Ringo's toys and he played all afternoon. Now he's sleeping on the couch next to me. After Gracie I thought, "Not another gray cat," but the universe always has a superior idea than any we can come up with. I'm going to have fun this weekend playing and getting to know Luke, although I've already mistakenly called him Ringo and Gracie at least twice. We have a wonderful life ahead of us. December 1st: Life's a strange and wonderful experience. After this summer, I'm a lot more go with the flow and less "planning for it to go this way or that." Life's a crap shoot and if I've learned nothing else, it's to take the stick out of my butt and just let it be. I'm going to watch Star Wars to see what color Luke's light saber is so I can make one for him. They have glow clay at Michael's so that'll be a cute project. Think at some point I'll get him his own R2D2 and C-3PO too. May the force be with you! February 2nd 2010:
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